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Scarlett's Blog


I'm waiting for you under the stars
The beautiful moon shining
We lay together under the stars
I like looking at the stars
It's so beautiful
I love the moonlight
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 14:33


Looking at the moon, the stars, and the sunset together makes it more romantic
We kiss under the stars
You pull me in and kiss me under the stars
And we kiss, while we watch the sunset
You make looking at the sunset, stars, and moon romantic
I like being together and watching the stars
I like you
And you like me
I like watching the stars, the sunset, and the moon
And you like it, too
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 13:28


I'm waiting for you under the stars
The beautiful moon shining
We lay together under the stars
I like looking at the stars
It's so beautiful
I love the moonlight
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 10:47


The sunset is such a beautiful colour
It's like art
I love looking at the stars and the moon
I love looking at them together
That's why I wait for you under the stars
So, we can look at the moon and stars together
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 10:06


I'm waiting for you under the stars
The beautiful moon shining
We lay together under the stars
I like looking at the stars
It's so beautiful
I love the moonlight
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 08:50