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Scarlett's Blog


It's okay to miss me, sometimes
But don't waste your time crying over me
Find someone who makes you happy
Baby, I want you to be happy
Move on
And I'll cross over
I'll still watch over you
I'll sing to you always
But you've gotta move on
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 13:21


Listen to my voice
It's putting you to sleep, isn't it?
It's so soft
It's like a lullaby
No, it's more of a serenade
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 11:42


I'll always love you
I know you'll always love me
But don't cry
Smile, whenever you think of me
I'm not supposed to be a sad memory
I'm supposed to be a happy memory
Let me sing to you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 11:08


Listen to my voice
It's putting you to sleep, isn't it?
It's so soft
It's like a lullaby
No, it's more of a serenade
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 10:36


I'll be there for you, always
I'm in your heart
I know you're thinking of me
You wish I was here
But I'm here
I'm watching over you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 12th 2019 10:06