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Scarlett's Blog


The first time we kissed was under the stars
We were both 18 and out of high school
That was my first kiss
And I wasn't the first girl you kissed
Now, we're almost twenty
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 18:02


I'm waiting for you under the stars
The beautiful moon shining
We lay together under the stars
I like looking at the stars
It's so beautiful
I love the moonlight
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 17:14


If we fight, we go to the stars to make it right
We watch the sunset to calm down
We always feel better and make up
And then we kiss
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 16:38


I'm waiting for you under the stars
The beautiful moon shining
We lay together under the stars
I like looking at the stars
It's so beautiful
I love the moonlight
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 15:42


Under the stars, it's so romantic
Under the stars, I feel sexy
In the moonlight, I'm a silhouette
I'm a shadow
You kiss me under the stars
In the moonlight, I feel beautiful
I love you
And you love me
Forever and always, we'll be together
Always and forever, we'll be together
We kiss, as the sun fades away
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 15:08