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Scarlett's Blog


Waiting for the sun to go down
I like watching the sunset
It's so beautiful
But where are you?
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 11th 2019 07:22

Electric Waves

The static between you and I
I can feel it
Sparks fly
Whenever you stare at me
And whenever we touch
I can feel the electric waves
I feel your electric waves
Electric waves
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2019 14:15

Electric Waves

You smile at me
And I feel like I'm walking on the clouds
I feel like I'm on cloud nine
You touch me
And it feels like static
Yeah, your touch feels like static
You stare at me
And I love your stare
The way you look at me
You kiss me
And it's like the first kiss
Yeah, it's like the first kiss
It reminds me of our first kiss
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2019 13:42

Electric Waves

The static between you and I
I can feel it
Sparks fly
Whenever you stare at me
And whenever we touch
I can feel the electric waves
I feel your electric waves
Electric waves
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2019 13:01

Electric Waves

My heart is racing because of you
My thoughts are all of you
I feel your touch
It's like static
It's so intense
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 9th 2019 12:07