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Scarlett's Blog

I'm Not A Girl Anymore

I'm not the girl you knew
I'm happier
And you can't break me
I found myself
And I don't need you
I'm cutting you out of my life
I don't wanna stick around you
Baby, you're toxic to my well being
You're like a cigarette
(So addictive, yet toxic)
I don't wanna play those games anymore
I'm not a girl anymore
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 14th 2019 09:19

I'm Not A Girl Anymore

I don't wanna focus on my looks
I wanna be more positive and nicer
I'm almost twenty
I'm almost a woman
It's time to grow up
I wanna stop worrying about my weight
I need to grow up
I'm not a kid, anymore
I'm almost an adult
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 14th 2019 08:26


I enjoy watching the night sky
I love the night
I love the stars
I love when the sun goes down
It's midnight, baby
And it's beautiful
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2019 14:01


I watch as the sun begins to fade
The sunset is full of amazing colours
And when it goes down, I watch the night sky
I look at the stars and moon
It's so mesmerizing
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2019 13:27


I enjoy watching the night sky
I love the night
I love the stars
I love when the sun goes down
It's midnight, baby
And it's beautiful
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 13th 2019 12:57