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Scarlett's Blog


I'm sweet, but I'm a bit mean
I'm nice, but I can be rude
I'm mischievous, but a little bit manipulative
I'm so dramatic I could be an actress
I'm sarcastic and sassy
I don't care if people like me or not
I don't care what other people think
I'm not who I was when I was 16
Yeah, I'm positive, now
But I'm still me
I don't want kids
And no one should judge me
'Cause I'm just me
I am not goth
I am alternative
I am me
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2019 09:02


People might think I am goth, but I'm not
I am me
I am alternative
I dress the way I wanna
I'll dress in bright colours, if I wanna
I'll dress in dark colours, if I wanna
I don't really care what people think
I don't need labels
If people wanna call me goth, go ahead
If people wanna call me emo, cool
But I don't call myself goth or emo
I do my own thing
I have my own style
I wear wigs and eyeliner
I wear tank tops for comfort, sometimes
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2019 08:31


I'm sweet, but I'm a bit mean
I'm nice, but I can be rude
I'm mischievous, but a little bit manipulative
I'm so dramatic I could be an actress
I'm sarcastic and sassy
I don't care if people like me or not
I don't care what other people think
I'm not who I was when I was 16
Yeah, I'm positive, now
But I'm still me
I don't want kids
And no one should judge me
'Cause I'm just me
I am not goth
I am alternative
I am me
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2019 07:59


I like black, red, and green
Just 'cause I'm alternative doesn't mean I only wear black
I wear what I wanna
I've got my own style
I love animals
And I'm a vegetarian
I like wigs and eyeliner
Three Days Grace and Pale Waves are amazing to me
They're my favourite bands
It's me, it's who I am
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 15th 2019 07:13

I'm Not A Girl Anymore

I'm not the girl you knew
I'm happier
And you can't break me
I found myself
And I don't need you
I'm cutting you out of my life
I don't wanna stick around you
Baby, you're toxic to my well being
You're like a cigarette
(So addictive, yet toxic)
I don't wanna play those games anymore
I'm not a girl anymore
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 14th 2019 15:04