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Scarlett's Blog


I hurt people
I've threatened to kill myself
And I've threatened to kill my parents
I'm not proud of it
I'll admit I can be abusive
I'm not a perfect person
I'm not an angel
I'm impulsive
I don't think
(Sometimes, I wonder if I have a personality disorder)
I am toxic
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 10:30


Everyone can be toxic
No one is perfect
I can be toxic
I am not perfect
But everyone should admit when they're toxic and apologize
(Including me)
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 09:59


I hurt people
I've threatened to kill myself
And I've threatened to kill my parents
I'm not proud of it
I'll admit I can be abusive
I'm not a perfect person
I'm not an angel
I'm impulsive
I don't think
(Sometimes, I wonder if I have a personality disorder)
I am toxic
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 09:08


I've thought of killing people
I can be awful
I thought of committing arson
I wanted to burn down one of the schools I went to
When I'm mad, I'm abusive and toxic
I'm not proud of my behaviour
I'm not gonna defend it
It was wrong of me
I'm gonna own up to the mistakes I've made
And I'll try not to do it again
I can't promise I won't do it again
'Cause I'm not perfect
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 08:37


I hurt people
I've threatened to kill myself
And I've threatened to kill my parents
I'm not proud of it
I'll admit I can be abusive
I'm not a perfect person
I'm not an angel
I'm impulsive
I don't think
(Sometimes, I wonder if I have a personality disorder)
I am toxic
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 08:05