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Scarlett's Blog

That Girl

Rules are stupid
Why do rules exist?
Authority is annoying
Why does authority like to tell me what to do?
'Cause I don't wanna be good
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2019 12:31

That Girl

I don't want to listen to you
'Cause I hate authority
I'm not gonna follow the rules
Why can't I wear the clothes I want to?
I don't care
I'm still gonna wear the clothes I wanna wear
I'm that girl that doesn't follow the rules
I don't live that way
I'm not a good girl
Yeah, I'm that girl
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2019 12:00

That Girl

I'm a bad girl
I like to break the rules
I don't give a crap
I'm so rebellious
Authority and I don't get along
I hate authority
I don't like being told what to do
And I don't like being controlled
Authority acts so unfair
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2019 10:34

That Girl

I don't want to listen to you
'Cause I hate authority
I'm not gonna follow the rules
Why can't I wear the clothes I want to?
I don't care
I'm still gonna wear the clothes I wanna wear
I'm that girl that doesn't follow the rules
I don't live that way
I'm not a good girl
Yeah, I'm that girl
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2019 10:03

That Girl

I refuse to behave
I should be able to dress the way I wanna
Why can't I dress the way I wanna?
Whatever, it doesn't matter
I'm still gonna wear what I wanna
And no one can tell me I can't
'Cause it's my life
And I'm not gonna listen to anybody
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 21st 2019 09:31