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Scarlett's Blog

I Don't Need You Anymore

All you do is cause me pain
Yeah, I'm cutting you out of my life
You're just so toxic
And I'm done
All you do is hurt me
And I'm tired of it, baby
I don't need you anymore
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2019 08:59

I Don't Need You Anymore

Maybe, I'm not perfect
I'm judgmental, too
But I'm trying not to judge
And I don't wanna be you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2019 08:29

I Don't Need You Anymore

All you do is cause me pain
Yeah, I'm cutting you out of my life
You're just so toxic
And I'm done
All you do is hurt me
And I'm tired of it, baby
I don't need you anymore
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2019 07:59

I Don't Need You Anymore

I couldn't breathe
You never liked me
You wanted me to be normal
You called me a freak
You judged me for my choices
You hated my music
You were such a headache
Apparently, I'm selfish for not wanting kids
I'm so awful
You say I'm not a Christian
'Cause I don't want kids
My music is Satanic
I'm so evil for listening to rock music
But now, I can't take it anymore
I'm gone
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2019 07:28

I Don't Need You Anymore

All you do is cause me pain
Yeah, I'm cutting you out of my life
You're just so toxic
And I'm done
All you do is hurt me
And I'm tired of it, baby
I don't need you anymore
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2019 06:56