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Scarlett's Blog

My Feelings For You

Why am I blushing?
It's not like I like you
'Cause I don't
I don't like you
Why am I smiling?
I hate you
I'm not in love
(No way)
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 20th 2019 07:01

My Feelings For You

Your face pisses me off
(I love your face)
You piss me off
(I love you)
Get out of my face
'Cause I wanna punch you
(But secretly, I wanna kiss you)
I'm gonna kill you
(I really wanna kiss you)
I say I don't like you
But I really do like you
I pretend I hate you
(Baby, I love you)
I pretend I don't care
(I care, though it hurts)
I push you away
'Cause I don't wanna be hurt
Baby, I'm a tsundere
And I hide my feelings for you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 20th 2019 06:30

My Feelings For You

Why do you care so much?
I don't care
I hate you
I'm not shy around you
'Cause I don't have any feelings for you
Why would I?
I don't like you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 20th 2019 05:57


I hurt people
I've threatened to kill myself
And I've threatened to kill my parents
I'm not proud of it
I'll admit I can be abusive
I'm not a perfect person
I'm not an angel
I'm impulsive
I don't think
(Sometimes, I wonder if I have a personality disorder)
I am toxic
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 11:31


Stay away from me
I'm not good
I'll hurt you
'Cause I'm toxic
I'm dangerous
Stay away
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 19th 2019 11:00