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Scarlett's Blog


I feel you breathing
I hold you close to me
And I don't wanna ever let you go
You're sleeping
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2019 09:00


You seem so peaceful, sleeping like that
You're so beautiful
I hope you're having sweet dreams
'Cause you seem so peaceful
And you're too pure to have nightmares
If you do have nightmares, I'll hold you tight
I'll make sure you're safe
I wouldn't want anything to happen to you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2019 08:30


I feel you breathing
I hold you close to me
And I don't wanna ever let you go
You're sleeping
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2019 07:57


I lay next to you
I watch you sleeping
You're so peaceful
But I don't wanna wake you
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 23rd 2019 07:25

Taste of Heaven

Kissing you feels like Heaven
The taste of your lips
It reminds me of food
So heavenly
It's like tasting heaven
A taste of heaven
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 22nd 2019 14:01