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In the deepest battles and struggles of life, wher

In the deepest battles and struggles of life, where is your trust found? Are you trusting in a “chariot” or a “horse” or are you trusting in the good, sovereign, and loving hand of the Lord to bring you through to the other side?
Are you trusting in your own wisdom and experience to get you out, or are you trusting in the Lord to lead and guide you through it for your good and for His glory?
Prepare your chariots and train your horses, but do not place your ultimate trust and hope in them to bring you victory. After all, “the horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord” (Proverbs 21:31).
So as you go to school, study hard. As you to work, work well. As you read the word of God, be obedient. But in all this, remember that your strength to accomplish these things comes not from your own doing, but from Christ the Lord.
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0 | 0 Comments | by Heavenbound5511 | Feb 13th 2015 17:10

Why God Allows Your Crisis

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0 | 0 Comments | by Heavenbound5511 | Feb 13th 2015 04:45

50 Shades of Sociopath: Spotting Manipulators, Lia

Then the mask begins to slip. He's controlling, threatening, and kind of scary. You're constantly on edge around him and you never know where you stand. Your entire life starts to revolve around him, and slowly but surely, you begin to lose your sense of self.

Yep, still accurate. With sociopaths, the idealization always comes to an end.

Next up, we start digging into the abuser's past. Turns out he had a tragic childhood, which explains all of the unacceptable behavior mentioned above! Fortunately, our victim has a superpower. She can cure sociopathy!

Full Article:
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0 | 0 Comments | by Heavenbound5511 | Feb 9th 2015 15:36

Is it time to get certain people out of our life?

God tells us from time to time to get certain people out of our life. It is for our protection. He may also reveal stuff to you about those who you need to cut off - it is for your protection. Even if you have a heart that wants to believe the best about another - We must obey God. Just as God gave jezebel time to repent her time ended- So shall the time run out for those who are devilish that tried to plant them self in your life. God revealed to you something is off.. you're like I don't want to believe that about them and you pray for them over a period of time. Than the day comes and you know it - you can't stop hearing the instruction God has given. You obey - And in return you grow and rise to another level in God. Don't mistake those whom are merely worldly or foolish with those that are devilish.

Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.
I will tear off your veils and save my people from your hands, and they will no longer fall prey to your power. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Ezekiel 13:20-21

Let's not forget - Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
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0 | 1 Comment | by Heavenbound5511 | Feb 7th 2015 21:55

when will i live

These daze seem so long
I dream of a better world
Only to awaken to the same old song
Long daze long nights
Shit it seems like I'm trapped in a whirlpool
Waiting for something to happen
But I'm growing tired for this dream to occur
These daze i don't get enough sleep
Its like I'm walking through a haze
Waiting to feel
But I'm afraid to realize I'm dead
When will i live
I can't take this anymore
I can't keep pretending I'm fine
When the voice inside my head
Keeps yelling at me to let her out
But i gotta keep my sanity
For the people i love
But how long can i keep it up?
A heart once so pure corrupted by society
Heart beats black
How could i go back to being mommy's little girl
I see no bright light at the end of the tunnel
Forgive me god for i have sinned
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0 | 0 Comments | by DankJazz | Feb 6th 2015 20:07


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0 | 0 Comments | by Heavenbound5511 | Jan 28th 2015 04:27

Godly Sorrow That Leads to Repentance, Self Examin

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0 | 0 Comments | by Heavenbound5511 | Jan 27th 2015 04:58

Hallo guys

i have group about music...
this group for Progressive and Trance lovers..
so, join with me on group "Progressive and Trance", category Music
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0 | 0 Comments | by Catherine_Pelealu | Jan 17th 2015 06:17

hallo everyone.

anybody can make a friend with me.. ^_^
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0 | 0 Comments | by Catherine_Pelealu | Jan 17th 2015 05:36


It's like being lost when somone finds you
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0 | 0 Comments | by AnnaMagicalXo | Dec 27th 2014 15:04

What Grinds My Gears #4

Being positive about getting a job when I always get shot down in the end:

On every single application I have filled out I always put open availability. That I'd be willing to work weekends and holidays when needed.

When I go for a job interview I make sure my appearance is nice ( you know bathed, wearing a nice outfit, my hair and teeth brushed ) I maintain eye contact during the entire interview. I tell them I am extremely reliable that if needed I am willing to cover another workers shift even if I have to come in on a day I have off.

And after the interview each place tells me that they'll call me back either way to let me know but they never do ! So I end up calling them back but before I do I keep a positive attitude that I'm going to get the job. And then when I call them I of course get shot down. I just don't understand why I keep getting shot down when it comes to me looking for a job.

Being positive about getting a job when I get shot down every single time is so unfair and that my dear people is what grinds my gears
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0 | 0 Comments | by KiwiBaby1988 | Dec 13th 2014 20:21

bored >.>

Someone should message me c:
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0 | 0 Comments | by Neko_Fox | Dec 7th 2014 16:51

Deep thinking about this whole Ferguson thing.

Personally I think the Officer acted appropriately. All the witnesses have been discredited and the forensic evidence supports Officer Wilson's story. What else is there to protest?
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0 | 0 Comments | by ImperatorLupus | Dec 2nd 2014 02:53


yo follow me on instagram and i will 5ever love you @ovoxo_cece
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0 | 0 Comments | by ovoxo_cece | Dec 2nd 2014 02:12


I want to eat cat doe
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0 | 0 Comments | by IDFWU | Nov 30th 2014 14:06