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Scarlett's Blog


He pretends he doesn't care, but he cares
But I like it
'Cause he's a lot like me
We're both tsunderes
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 11:57


I love the colour of his eyes
His beautiful red eyes
I love the way he smiles
He's pissed off most of the time
But he's got a soft side
And we're the same
He's such a cute little tsundere that made me blush
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 11:02


Why am I in love with him?
I don't know why
But I still fell for him
I don't care if he has a monster inside him
He's my little monster
My little tsundere
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 10:29


I love the colour of his eyes
His beautiful red eyes
I love the way he smiles
He's pissed off most of the time
But he's got a soft side
And we're the same
He's such a cute little tsundere that made me blush
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 08:58


I love him, but he's an anime character
He was the first fictional anime character I've ever loved
I fell hard for him
I wish he was mine
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 08:27