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Scarlett's Blog

My Notebook

This year, I'm in therapy
I'm getting help
The pills are helping a lot
I'm fine, now
And I don't have to lie
I don't have to hide anymore
I don't have to pretend
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 25th 2019 14:55

My Notebook

I was stuck in a mental hospital
I hated and loved it there
It was hell, but it was heaven
It was a hospital
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 25th 2019 14:00

My Notebook

Last year, I went to the mental hospital
The suicidal thoughts got to me
I wanted to end my life
I tried so many times
Attempted suicide a lot
Sometimes, I wonder how I'm still alive
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 25th 2019 13:23


I love the colour of his eyes
His beautiful red eyes
I love the way he smiles
He's pissed off most of the time
But he's got a soft side
And we're the same
He's such a cute little tsundere that made me blush
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 18:35


He's beautiful to me
And he's sexy, when he's mad
Man, I love him so much
He's beautifully imperfect
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 24th 2019 18:03