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Scarlett's Blog

My Notebook

I was stuck in a mental hospital
I hated and loved it there
It was hell, but it was heaven
It was a hospital
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2019 16:51

My Notebook

It was kind of boring
The only things of mine I was allowed were a notebook I wrote my feelings in, a water bottle, and clothes
I didn't have a pen
Just a pencil
I didn't have my notebook I write my songs and poems in
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2019 14:53

My Notebook

I was stuck in a mental hospital
I hated and loved it there
It was hell, but it was heaven
It was a hospital
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2019 14:21

My Notebook

It's not like school
School was a prison
School was hell
The hospital wasn't like that at all
It wasn't prison
It wasn't hell nor heaven
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2019 13:26

My Notebook

I wasn't in hell
But I wasn't in heaven, either
It wasn't a prison
But I wasn't free at all
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 26th 2019 12:55