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Comments for c00r0sivekid

Mikeisonfire NONONO, you are xoxo
NO WAY! Hahaha, that's amazing. I'd love working with you c:
Mikeisonfire YOU'RE SO CUTE, UGH.
At Spencer's. Nothing special, haha. I'm actually going to start looking for a second job, because I'm tired of not having enough money for things D;
jeffrey Sounds dope. Who are you cosplaying?
Mikeisonfire Aw, that sounds nice! Glad you had a good day :)
Mine was alright. I had to work that night, but it's not like I had any plans anyway x) I've never had a special Valentine's Day, but I don't mind it c:
Mikeisonfire Ugh, you're just too sweet <3
Sounds like we'll be great friends!
How was your Valentine's Day? c:
Mikeisonfire Awh, omg don't call me that or I'll develop a crush on you, it's inevitable.
I'm pretty good! Planning on dedicating this day completely to doing nothing but eating and playing games c; Though that's basically what I do every other day.
Mikeisonfire Hi there :) How are you?