Hello there, and welcome to my humble adobe. My name is Rinny, and here's some basic shit to know about me: @ThatOneGuy is the most significant person to me on this website. He treats me wonderfully. And is the only one who hasn't f*cked me over. I'm happily taken. Whoot. c: I'm a Satanist. Don't like it? F*ck off, then. I'm a grammar Nazi. I am a roleplayer. I cosplay and go to conventions like nobody's business. If you've ever been to a convention, you've probably seen me. Anime, music, art, and science is my life. I have a little issue where I think I am smarter than everyone. My self esteem is lower than a fat, deformed male stripper named Donovan. I love cuddles, kisses on my forehead, and cookies. I have PTSD, Bi-Polar, Social Anxiety, and DPD. And...I love people who are protective.