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Royalitygal21's Blog

Getting help

I’m sitting here at a hospital getting help with my mental health and emotional health my associate Camron is here visiting me along with my biological and adopted family friends associates best friends and my best associates I’m on new medication for my bipolar depression and I am going to groups here and there there was a coping skills group yesterday it was alright I guess I’m becoming more and more normal day by day and I’m slowly but surely becoming more and more functioning and stable day by day my memory is still not completely back but I am slowly recovering growing and prospering from my f***ed up past my memory is slowly recovering and coming back as well
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 3rd 2024 19:14

Moving out into my own crib soon

I’m living in a respite for now I was finally able to move out on my own I moved into a respite and found a program that can help me find low cost housing for mental health I’m going to school to learn about mental health I’m getting money from from the state each month along with food stamps to support myself once I get the help that I need with my mental and emotional health wellbeing and state and get some clothes and get my hair to become healthier I will get a new SIM card ( I’m on WIFI right now) get it inserted into my iPhone 13 and I’ll be ready go go out and met people
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 5th 2024 14:57

At school during lunch

I’m finally able to go to school online instead of in person I’m studying peer support as a extracurricular class and I’m looking up information on mental health emotional health and emotional and mental wellbeing and state on google and I’m also looking up drug and alcohol relapse prevention and the grief and mourning process so this way I can help out myself just in case and others once again just in case
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 3rd 2024 13:18

First date

Today I’m with my boyfriend Ryan at chick-fil-a we’re having a blast he is supposed to sleepover until tomorrow so far things are going really well with us he picked me up at my crib we smoked laughed our asses off then walked over to chick-fil-a now we’re there and we’re playing music and talking
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0 | 0 Comments | May 30th 2024 14:45

welcome to my blog

What's up I'm Izkeya and this is my blog
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 21st 2024 10:16