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Royalitygal21's Blog

Music marijuana alcohol and chill time

Chillin with my new family friends associates best friends best associates listening to music while drinking and smoking truth be told I’m better off without the people who once was in my life it was too much drama and stress I’m a drama free stress free problem free and beef free life type of person I’m way too old for the petty caddy spiteful when people don’t deserve it or it doesn’t have to happen or just because I can and sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and let their sh*t go
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 9th 2024 20:58

Chillin with people and smoking

High as a mf with the homies listening to music bout to go window shopping online
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 7th 2024 18:33

Elenor and Park

Elenor and park is a fictional novel about a true love that was lost
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 7th 2024 18:24

Truth be told who am I ?

I am not all that bad I’m fun wild crazy lit funny silly down to earth chill laid back I am no longer broken for I am finally free these once open and bleeding scars and wounds are finally all stitched up cleansed and healed the lost girl was finally found and brought back home safe and sound as peace and clarity is released throughout her mind body heart sprit and soul now there once was a girl lost and confused broken and battered lonely and all alone but she’s no more she’s not dead she didn’t go missing she’s not kidnapped she here alive safe and sound but a better person and a better version of her self that quite shy easily pushed around girl everyone once knew is gone and here she is anew
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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 6th 2024 19:39

day 6 at the psych ward

happy fourth of july motherf***ers i just finshed some icecream sandwiches and cupcakes to celebrate and earler today i had some amazing ass fouth of july sex with my associate camron and my boyfriend tyler everyone is here again to spend the day with me and to be there for support and so i can have some company i was really struggling with my mental and emotional health wellbeing and state and was stressing the f*** out like a motherf***er but i got help
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 4th 2024 16:07