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RoyalityTweenager18's Blog

I just had some fire sex earlier this morning

The sex I had with someone know was the fire poppin sh*t and now two people are visiting me in Spirit
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 17th 2024 10:10

I met people today

A month ago people finally found me and visited me in Spirit today which is my Biological and Adopted family my new friend associates my two best friends and my two best associates and my boyfriend and my children, and for the past month who I once knew who also found me a month ago and I reunited here and there in a protection f*** and they are all here today except for some of them
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 14th 2024 15:41

Chillin like a villain

I’m with my cousin and two best friends who decided to visit me in spirit
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 9th 2024 13:25

I am so very sorry but I had to make her petty cad

She needed a permanent brake from life she is at peace in a neverland heaven for youngsters
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 8th 2024 07:29

Chillin with people

People slept over in the protection f***
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0 | 0 Comments | Aug 30th 2024 08:35