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RoyalityTweenager13's Blog

Chillin with friends

I invited people over in spirit
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 31st 2024 15:37

Truth be told…

Only backups are get over the sh*t spoiled felling accomplished because of additionals
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 30th 2024 06:02

Truth be told…

Truth be told no one cares about a back up unless they long and gone
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 29th 2024 18:18

It’s almost time for school

One month left until I get to go school I’m studying peer support I’m somewhat looking forward to it I love helping people and peer support specialist help people
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 28th 2024 14:50

I ate some goot ass lunch and some goot breakfast

For lunch I had something so adorable mini beef patties with Spanish rice and beans with cauliflower and for breakfast I had a corn bread muffin with two egg patties and a glass of milk
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 26th 2024 15:34