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Misery's Blog

Antisocial vs. Asocial

While they can be used interchangeably, they both have their own definitions...

An asocial person is someone who prefers to be alone, has no interest in forming social connections, and may not be motivated to engage in social interactions. This is a more passive characteristic, often resulting from a lack of motivation or a strong preference for solitary activities. Asocial individuals can maintain friendships and relationships, but may struggle to initiate them.

An antisocial person, on the other hand, is someone who actively rejects social norms and conventions, often engaging in behavior that is contrary to the laws and customs of society. This can include a lack of empathy, a disregard for others’ feelings, and a tendency to engage in reckless or harmful behavior. Antisocial individuals often have an inflated self-image and may struggle to maintain long-term relationships due to their lack of regard for others.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 2nd 2024 20:48

"Wtf is this lol"

Due to failing as a website, I have decided to bring my writing over to here. This is not meant to be a roleplaying profile. I need a place to vent and express myself aggressively through Malicious Creativity.

"What is Malicious Creativity?"
Malicious creativity refers to the ability to generate novel and innovative ideas with the intention of causing harm to others, organizations, or society. This concept challenges traditional notions of creativity as inherently beneficial and highlights the darker aspects of human imagination.

"Isn't this associated with the Dark Triad?"
Yes. Many people who engage in Malicious Creativity can exhibit psychopathic, narcissistic and manipulative behaviors or traits. In my instance, I do it to gain a sense of satisfaction in writing out harmful material to external factors out of my control that I believe are causing me stress or harm.

"Do you have issues with anger?"
Naturally. Many who engage in creation with the purpose of doing wrong by others have issues with social-emotional processing. It's those regions in the brain that regulate anger and frustration and how you express it outwardly.

"Are you antisocial?"
Not inherently, I am asocial and have *not* been diagnosed with conditions such as Autistm, ADHD, or Antisocial Personality Disorder. I *have* been professionally diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder, which has its own challenges. I have spent most of my life being written off as "weird" and socially ostracized as a result. Most of my frustrations come from humanity's inability to display empathy to things that are "just a little strange".

"Can I add you?"
Yes. But keep everything you have read here in mind before engaging. The purpose of this particular profile is not to coddle other people, if you don't like something I've said or done, say so, and go about your day. If we are friends, you will know what's in my heart and see all of this for what it is: agitation and a last resort.
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 2nd 2024 16:10