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Heavenbound5511's Blog

Question: Have u always been this religious, or di

Question: Have u always been this religious, or did something happen in ur life.....just wondering?

My Answer: I accepted Jesus as my Lord when I was 19 and ask him to fill me with his Holy Spirit. He led me to a spirit filled church to where I learned more than I did my whole life in a dead church..within about a year. I learned how God will keep us, strengthen us, loves us..empowers us..and his ways are of life. My whole life I had known rejection, being used..abandoned and etc..but when Jesus touched me..his love was like nothing I'd ever known in my life..and I wanted to know more about him. I sought him to led me to talk to people that he wanted me too,that are..were ready to accept Jesus as there Lord..because I want/wanted them to know the love of God through Christ as I have. He led me to many people, including one who was about to go home and commit suicide..God put urgency within me..I went up and started to talk him about if he has accepted Jesus as his Lord..he broke down and started crying telling me how he had back slid and was about to go home and kill himself..well he did not after I listened to God and talked to him.., another was about to walk into a bar and pull a gun to pay back those who were after him..I listened to God and stopped and picked him up..he did not ruin his he said he had been walking and praying within himself.., another to my amazement was literally about to get picked up by the FBI.. He had told me to hurry and drive behind this building..And I just said show me who you want me to talk to..the man popped out of a hole in the fence..I started to tell him about Jesus and than the FBI pulled up and took him away.. many things God did ..and lead me to..he never stops amazing me..God is awesome and faithful and nothing in this world is worth not knowing him for our self. John 17 is a chapter I love.
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 20th 2014 00:50

The Incoherence of Atheism

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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 19th 2014 23:34

How to Recognize and Expel Demons-Derek Prince

How to Recognize and Expel Demons
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 6th 2014 10:49

Satanic Church Now Passing Out Children's Coloring

Satanic Church Now Passing Out Children's Coloring Books In Florida Public Schools

Satanic Church Now Passing Out Children's Coloring Books In Florida Public Schools Satanic Church Now Passing Out Children's Coloring Books In Florida Public Schools *** NOTE: Please forward to all parents who have children attending Public Schools, especially in Florida. P.S.This will be allowed in ALL public schools soon...

1.) Satanists to distribute religious materials in Florida public schools
2.) Florida Satanic Church Is Now Passing Out Children's Coloring Books In Public Schools
3.) Satanic Temple to hand out activity book to Florida schoolchildren

"I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and it's (sic) Bible, and this might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism," Lucien Greaves, the temple's spokesman, said in a statement.
** More blasphemies in this video ..A Challenge has been put out there for black people to burn and renounce white Jesus.. to free there self from from the tree of good and evil.."supposedly" freeing themselves. They are going to hold a ritual for people to get rid of the Holy Spirit, ghost sex and more!!!
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 24th 2014 17:48

SOARING: We must learn to fly..

SOARING: We must learn to fly just like the young eagles. Sometimes when a young eagle it is afraid of taking its first flight away from the nest, a parent will withhold food to force it out. This is similar to what happens to those who have been closely mentored and the Lord says its time the "fledglings" got their wings. The fledglings find their mentors increasingly unavailable and or are told to try and hear the Lord for themselves. One month after leaving the nest it has learned to soar and climb with the winds. It takes an eagle 4-5 years after this to become an adult eagle. An eagle learns to soar by using thermal currents of air. These warm air patterns are created by the surrounding terrain. They will spread their wings and their tail feather sand let the wind carry them to new heights, then glide down to catch another upward thermal. Soaring saves eagles energy because they do not have to flap their wings as often.Spiritual eagles learn to soar empowered by the Holy Spirit. The wind of the Spirit helps them to soar to new heights. When we move in the might and power of the Spirit in ministry we have our strength renewed constantly and what we do is not in our own strength. Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength;3

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,They shall run and not be weary,They shall walk and not faint.
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 23rd 2014 12:45