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14 Friends



31 / Female / Single and Looking
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Kayleigh | 20 | Glasgow
Kaykay/Kayla/Kaybear (idk)

Originally from Leven, Fife.

Sims nerd xD I also LOVE graphic design, a few of my stuff i've done is in the album. Rock music is my preferred genre to listen to. Favorite band? I really can't choose it depends on the day of the week. Skillet, Dead By April, RED, Asking Alexandria & a Hell of alot more! ;D I'm an animal lover, I've got a guinea pig & two cats. I used to be the proud owner of alot of consoles, I've got rid of most of them and only have my laptop & my wii. (: I love Captain America & Thor. :3

;;Where can I find you;;

FB (Personal); xKayleighKemp
Skype; Ask.
DeviantArt; forsakenlyts
Tumblr; definitionofmutiny

Think that's it, ask me for anything else. :}

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Latest Comments

what if 6 was 9?
Feb 1st 2014 20:15

Thanks for the add ;3
Feb 1st 2014 18:54

Hey Whats up
Jan 23rd 2014 05:34