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(Lexi Rose)
27 / Female / Single and Looking
roscommon, Michigan - United States
Hi everyone, my name is Alexis Renee Rose but call me Lexi. Everyone does. I was born 16 years ago. I speak English and Spanish. I love my family more than anything. I have 6 siblings, Crystal, Aaron, Melissa, Jessica, Erika, and Jacob. Crystal has three kids, Cody, Chantal, and Justin. Aaron has three kids, Zak, Alanna, and Gavin. Melissa has seven kids, Kaylie, Robbi, Ariona, Dominic, Seth, and Kira (due sometime this year). Jessica had a daughter named Destiny but she was given away. Yep, 13 nieces and nephews all together. I'm a proud auntie. My favorite shows are TWD (The Walking Dead) and TW (Teen Wolf). I have lots of animals. Three cats named Keiko (my baby), Sassy, and Ruby. Four dogs named Ponch, Freckles, Ke$ha, and Katy. Ke$ha and Katy are the newest additions in our family. Oh, and a bird named Sophia. I consider my pets to be like family. I'm single but I'm not in a rush to get into a relationship.

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Hi thanks for excepting my request have a wonderful and very blessed day :)
Feb 22nd 2014 10:39

Hey Whats up
Feb 12th 2014 16:08