⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ The Drug in Me Is You

1. NO GOD MODING. God-moding refers to invincible, powerful characters that cannot be harmed or defeated.

2. NO GHOSTING. Don’t leave your partner hanging if you’re going away or no longer interested in the roleplay. If you’re going to be gone for a bit and won’t be able to reply, Let me know. I’ll give you three days to reply and if I don’t hear from you I’ll probably remove you.

3. SPELLING & GRAMMAR. While some mistakes are alright, You should still put some effort into keeping your sentence structure and spelling correct.

4. RESPECT. Respect each other’s ideas. Respect each other’s time. Respect each other as people. There is another person on the end of your computer or phone screen that is taking the time out of their day to write something to you.

5. EFFORT. Roleplaying is a collaborative effort.
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0 | Jun 1st 2024 16:26