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(Brittany Marie)
31 / Female / Married
None yo business lol, Arkansas - United States
My name is Brittany, I'm 20 years young & I'm married to the most amazing guy ever. Been together since January 9th, 2011. We have 3 cats, 6 dogs, and 4 birds. I'm a HUGE Pit Bull advocate and an all-around animal lover and I'm passionate about children as well. I'm actually really wanting to have one of my own sometime soon. I'm not giving up hope just yet. I'm a Conservative and live in a pretty nice town minus the few jerks here and there. I'm socially awkward and actually have social anxiety when I'm around people in person, but over the internet I can usually talk to people just fine. I suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and I haven't had this one diagnosed yet but I might just be slightly bi-polar. lol I also have Dermatillomania. I'm not the prettiest person to lay eyes on, but it's a good thing I'm not here to impress anyone. <3
I found out about this site from :3 Been a roleplayer since the beginning of 2007. If you have any questions please just ask and don't be afraid to talk to me!

-- BrittanyMarie.

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I’m breaking out i need tips omggg
Jan 1st 2025 18:58

Hey Whats up
Feb 9th 2014 15:59