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(Heidi Rose)
23 / Female / In a Relationship
Shadowhunter YouTube Land, North Carolina - United States
Status:Taken .Sexuality: Pansexual (I love all genders) im not trying to be racist but I prefer dating whites . Ive had bad experiences with others (dating wise) but im cool with being their friends. Im emo I love metal screamo rock and other music.
Hello I'm a youtuber and a roleplayer. Im mature for my age. Im a singer and an actress. Im a weird crazy awkward girl who is easily emotional and has anger problems at times. I have a dog named bella and I get bullied and used a lot so please dont hurt me ive been through a lot.

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Get on evernote!
May 12th 2016 09:14

Hey whats up ?
Mar 10th 2016 16:30