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Comments for Eleanor182

Amberr I wished we did that cause I love Italian food.
Amberr Awwe...we don't even get to do that.
Amberr I'm pretty sure that I don't remeber anything that I learned. It was fun at first and then it got boring.
Amberr Yeahh I think that French is the easiest language to learn. I think I wanna take it, Italian is really hard to me and it will suprise me if I did pass it, the grammer is really confusing.
Amberr Welcome:) yeah I understand you. I don't know if I passed my Italian class yet so I will know tomrrow if I can't take Italian ll.
Amberr Nice to meet you too:)you have a pretty name. That sucks we just got done with exams in school, we don't even get midterms. I'm not doing much really just watching Pretty Little Liars.
Amberr Heyy I'm Amber:)
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