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Questions for BennyBoy

TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. //Yes Cute and get back on Roleplayme i tagged you in something as Lyra//
A. //I kno//
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby cuddled behind him and fell asleep too
A. //cute//
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby kissed back "It's time for my Elf boy to get some sleep"
A. "Y-yea." Ben rolled onto his side and fell asleep
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. "Good Elf boy"
A. Ben panted and kissed him
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. "I Love everything about my Elf boy"
A. "And I love everything about my daddy.@
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby panted "I Love My Elf boy's body"
A. "Is that all?" She/he said teasingly
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby licked Ben's cum off him "mmm Elf boy your cum taste so good"
A. Ben panted lying there
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby came in Ben's Ass "F***!!!"
A. "Ahhh~ yes!!!"
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby F***ed harder and faster "Elf Boy I'm Gonna cum"
A. "DADDYY~" ben cried out as he came against his chest
TIcci_Toby1234 asked the question
Q. Toby f***ed harder and harder
A. Ben moaned louder as his back arched